Ranting about some things

Hi guys, how are y'all today? Good myself. Today were going to talk and plus rant. Because you know I always have things to talk or rant about. Let's start.
Let's see what we can rant about for today. First off, YouTube messages has been removed. That's right, Google has actually removed YouTube messages so now you can't use the thing anymore. I think it was introduced along time ago, not sure if it was a year or so. When I found out of it I started using it to send chats with friends and other people. I would chat or share a video I like, or maybe one of my videos. This all started about a few weeks ago when you were opening YouTube messages and they would show that at the top part of the screen. Seriously, it's really not necessary at all. Let me guess, you're gonna say is it barely anybody used it right? Lame! Before they started phasing it out, they didn't really explain the rundown of why they thought it would be a good idea to just completely remove it. Probably because you don't have anything to say. If this is the case, this excuse has been used over 1 billion times, and it's starting to get so old. Here are one of the examples of when Google has used to this excuse. The first time was mostly when the YouTube editor was being shut down back in September 2017, back when I first started doing all this. Then we had private chats removed, which I'm not sure if it was the same reason or not. Then we had the infamous Google plus shut down which is another thing that they said that it was only used for like five seconds, because you know they don't have any other thing to say. Seriously, are they trying to stop us from talking to people? It seems like it. You guys shut down Google plus and now you're doing this now? Luckily, I was saving my Google plus archive as well as other stuff as well. I saved it before the day shut down, so I could have a copy of what fun I had on it before the consumer version of it shut down. But anyways, it's still dumb.Now you're turning this into a complete disaster. Just stop it! It's not funny anymore. Well, it might not be funny but it's definitely not good at all. Eventually it will get old when the years pass if you keep this up. Just warning you. And besides, I talked to quite a bit of folks on there as well, and you probably don't even know that right? That's what I freaking thought. I was also in group chats as well, which I like. That's right, they had the awesome group chat which means obviously a lot of people could talk. But now, you had to terminate the whole feature entirely. Sheesh! They said they were going to remove it after September 18 but it was more than that so at least I was still able to use it for only a few more days afterwards. I was still on there chatting in everything for few more days later it was gone from. But before it was removed, I was still using it after the 18th since they still had it on there. Which was actually good. But I didn't think they weren't going to forget about it either, and they certainly didn't. As I would share it so I can get more people looking at it before anybody else could. That way it will already be getting views and likes and stuff before days come and more people see it. What I mean is when I upload videos I would share it using blood something. I did yesterday, I would post it. Like seriously, what is it even necessary Turner that shirt? Well, I don't think so. Seriously, I was lucky that I was back on it before then. Otherwise, there would be no way I would still be able to use it after then as it would be destroyed. Even though I don't have Marie messages like on Google plus, it was still good. But even though I didn't send many messages, it was still a good thing to use. what the hell are you going to do next? You know what, I don't even wanna know because it's going to be bad anyway. You know, some people are so stupid nowadays. When I heard this news I posted it on my blogger page because I know it would be something worth posting about. It definitely did get a bunch of attention, as it had more than like 16 or so views on it. I knew that it would eventually get there because sometimes that happens. Sometimes I post bad news stuff when somebody does something retarded, just like what we have here. The post I did in February or March when I wrote about the Google plus shut down was also a post I posted before it was shut down, as well as when it shut down I also posted about it, telling everyone that it's true. You see, this is the stuff people do now, and it's not really good at all. Who in your right mind would think that removing that was a good idea in the first place? It's not even that old so why did you have to take it down so soon anyway? It's retarded now. Like seriously what the hell? And because mom and dad are still cunts for not letting me join other social media sites such as Facebook and other sites, that makes it even worse god dammit. At least I do post on blogger and other shit, and you know how that is. At least I didn't tell them I'm using it ha ha Ha ha ha! Because if I did that on my ass all the time about it. As much crap I deal with all the time, I don't wanna put up with that either. Do you know what, that is so like god damn it. Also, And it was also good because when I would use this it would also recommend any more people to add and more people to chat with on it. It's actually cool because I actually recommended people who I actually knew actually. It's kind of like Snapchat on most. Spooky, right? Well that's actually a good thing. It's like when you're on Snapchat on a quick ad, and some of the recommendations are interesting because they're based on who you follow and person on there. I drop paradise As well no way Text me so that's good. Also, that's the stupid shit we put up with it people always doing shit like that. If we didn't have retards like that, it wouldn't be a problem would it? Now let's rant on some other shit.
A few months ago, Dad through my goddamn airhorn in the goddamn trashcan just because mom pranked him in his room. Are you damn kidding me right now? You are a  childish person because you can't take stuff like that. It was actually funny because he got triggered over it! I told mom to send the clip to me before he would delete it from her phone. Now, normally some people and they get Pranked on they get pissed off over something. I know for a fact that's normal. But what he decided to do was take it and throw the damn thing away anyway. Seriously, you're not in your 30s or 20s, so seriously grow the hell up and stop doing this already. It also shows you can't take pranks like a man, which is why it's super fun doing it. You do realize you act like a baby when you do that right? I mean, you could've just said something and be triggered over it and just forget about it. No, the best thing to do is to act childish over it. Wow! It was actually a funny video. Mom actually didn't think it would be a good idea for me to post it, because she thinks  if I posted it on YouTube that dad would actually get pissed off over it. Seriously? He's going to have to realize that he will get over it one of these days, and if you seriously hate watching the goddamn video, it's easy. Just don't click on the video if you have already seen it before. Honestly I think that would also be one of the popular videos that I have made on it. In fact, I know it will be because I still watch it because it was quite funny, seeing that he didn't really like it at all. He also took it so seriously which makes it even more funny in the end! It would actually be funny if he actually was hearing people talk about it at work, and then listen to them get angry about it. I'm not sure if he would be angry but he  would probably be embarrassed that way, but who cares right? No! But here's how the story went. Mom did ask me if she could borrow my airhorn to prank him, and I said yes because I thought it would be funny because he hates pranks, so I said hell yeah, do it! I had Mom send the clip to me because last time we did that, he also took it from her phone and removed it, which is why I told her that she should do that so I could at least have it. So that's what I did. And here we are, laughing about it still. And then, that's when the fun  started.  But seriously, it was stupid how dad had to do that shit to retaliate for it! Not to mention that he wasn't the person who bought the damn thing anyway. But yet he still act like he did. How pathetic! Now, the next rant will be will be discussing about splice and what has happened to it.
So this year, splice was taken over by bending spoons, and it was originally made by GoPro. Back then, you had various options for your projects, as well as when you share projects or something. You could also share it on listed using the Splice.go pro.com web domain, this way you could send a link to anybody or put it on social media by posting the link somewhere. You could also share it on social media stuff and other things you had. You could also share it to YouTube which was later on removed. Their royalty free sound effects and music were really cool, and the new ones aren't as bad but in this case they did end up replacing all songs and stuff. That's what was bad! Seriously, what was the need for that? Continuing on. In the beginning of this summer, bending spoon pushed a huge update for Splice (Version 4.0.0). Literally, they basically changed the whole entire thing. That's right, they were so sick and tired of it, so they decided to re-do it. Seriously? Did you seriously have to do that? Come on, you could've just replaced some things and maybe add a different shit, but no. It's also impossible to go up and down the video, because they don't have a time slider. I'm not sure if it's something to do with voiceover or if they actually redid the time slider. Seriously, how are you going to adjust the time of your video if you don't have a slider to go up and down with? That's right, there's no way you can unless you do something else with the damn thing. Also, you can't share  projects to other places except for even saving it to your phone. That's right, they had to get rid of all the sharing options they had for your project, which I don't understand why they did that. What, is that even necessary? The good thing is we are in a whole different set of royalty free sound effects and music, even though they pretty much got rid of the entire old library. That's right, they literally had to take everything off there and Charlie could replace everything with all the shit. I hope it was because they didn't like it. If they couldn't use it on their application anymore, that's fine, but still. Some of their songs were licensed by five alarm music. I'm not sure if they're still doing that or not. Also, the new update also deleted every single goddamn project that you had, so you had to at least export them or save them before you updated it. If you didn't, then you're fucked, because you don't have your old projects. Seriously, I wanna know why the hell you guys thought it was a good idea to delete every project that you had. It's a good thing I had saved some projects, because I know what the hell would happen if I didn't. But still, what is the removal of all your shit necessary? The only good thing is it probably needs to work a little bit better for you, which may have been the only good thing about this fiasco. Like seriously, you didn't really have any other thing to do except to do this, so you decided to be a jack ass and do that. Also, whatever happened to where you could share your shit unlisted on splice.gopro.com? Oh yeah, that's right. These assholes had to take over the goddamn thing, so that's why. Later on the year during the spring or so, I would say that my unlisted videos work on the website anymore. Seriously, why couldn't they had just used another website instead? No, you had to mess up on that shit. I would share on Lester videos all the time when it was available to. A few of my video descriptions have the link so you can do it not just on YouTube. Luckily I put copies of it on cloud storage services so they can do and download it there. So now when you open the unlisted link, you can't even view the video at all. It just doesn't work! Another thing about this is that whenever you use their app it always shows a message about buying splice Pro which is literally a new subscription that they made on the shit. I knew that this was coming from the start, because GoPro isn't the one making the app anymore and they're having a different developer make it, so of course they're going to do something different to it and pretty much do something else. I don't think there's any money to change from the subscription part though, so this should be interesting. Also, it also shows up more than one time, which again is annoying obviously. Another bad thing that they did to the actors make an iMovie knock off. What I mean is now you can't edit projects unless you have the videos you made. This obviously means that you can't delete any of your videos otherwise, you won't be able to do it. Not unless you want to see these things like telling you you don't have the videos saved and you need to have the shit saved to your photo library to still work on the damn thing. Seriously, one of the best things was you didn't really need the project or the videos saved to even work on them. That's why they definitely stepped backwards. If I deleted the videos from my phone then tough shit! Take a chill Hell or at least suck on somebody's dick for crying out loud, because we don't care. It's no wonder why you guys turned it to a shitty thing now. Because once it was good and then when you guys took over the damn development, you had to fuck everything up and change the whole thing when it was actually good. Seriously, you could've at least replaced some things and not like change every goddamn thing at least, but that's how they did it, so what the hell ever man. Also, when attic music, the music doesn't stop at the end of the video, it just keeps on going. Seriously? The song is supposed to start at the end of the video when somebody's done recording or whatever the case may be, not finish the video off with the song that was just added. Unless it was like credits or something, that could be understandable. With that being said, I knew from the start that when bending spoons to go over the development of it that it would one day be shed. And guess what, it actually did come true this time. Like I said, I still do make projects with it (even though they kind of turned it into a hell hole kind of). The only good thing about when it deleted your entire list of projects you had is it probably made storage better for you, but that's the only really good thing about the whole thing. I still don't understand why they needed to clear your list of projects you had, but that's people nowadays. But still what the hell? I mean, I still use this to make projects and shit, but I really think that they should really not be a pain in the ass. The good news is I can still have some things and I can also import music now without having to download it on damn iTunes. But still, some of the shit that it has turn into is shit! That's right. At least I can put sounds and music at the place where I want them to go on the project, which is nice. With that being said, hopefully these guys knows what the hell they're doing next time. So anyways, that with me just ranting on a few things and talking about shit. Hope you all had it was interesting and let me know what y'all think. I think I should do more of these because they are cool so yeah.


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