A funny Mother's Day prank I pulled off last year
Well, as some of you guys already know, May 12 is Mother's Day this year. But last year I wanted to do something I haven't done in a long time, or that I've never done.
Well, last year, there were a interesting bug in messages called the black dot character bug or the black dollar short. The Barnwood free two messages, with one being shorter and the other one being longer.
The affect was a fact of all, meaning your phone could freeze or you would be kept out of your messages! It originally started on android using WhatsApp or something, but worked on iOS for a few weeks. Because of this, I found out about this little bad boy and send it to her on that time. Of course, she freaked out. She also calls the buyers, which might be considered that but not dangerous whatsoever. You may be frozen or lottery messages, but there's nothing dangerous to this. And I know Mom wasn't happy. Of course Dad had to delete the message from his Mac in order for her to use her phone on Messages again because she couldn't delete it off her phone because the messages app will not load whatsoever. She also was telling people about it, and I was too because I thought it was fun. But on iOS 11.4, Apple decided to pack that bug was kind of shocked because it was an affective prank to pull on somebody. Whether you just like to tease somebody or you're sending it to an enemy you really hate, or you're just being fun, it was good while it lasted. I'm sure some of you had to reboot your phone a few times to see if it will work. That's how affective it was. But I think Mom was happy because I didn't send her any more pranks this year because there were no bugs leaking out during that time which kind of sucked. And also it's bad because mom and dad don't use Windows PCs. Because on windows PC you can make batch files, which is used to make a lot of pranks. I don't know a way to one batch files on a Mac, what Chang sure there is a way to do anything. Anyways, that was my fun Mother's Day brunch for you from last year. I would've posted this a few weeks ago, but I guess I was lazy I guess. Hope you are!
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