A few updates to my YouTube channel

 During the past few months, whenever I use Splice to edit a video, I always share the video to splice.gopro.com. After that, I would copy and paste the shared link into the video description so people can view it on that website as well, not just feeling a video on YouTube. I could still do that anytime! However, I also start of something else that might work. Putting a video to any cloud storage sharing platform, like MediaFire or somewhere  and then sharing the link and putting it in the description so people can download the videos would actually be a good idea. As of the beginning of August, I started doing this because I figured it would be awesome for people to just download the videos entirely. At least somebody has a copy of the video even if the video was deleted from the Internet.  Before I upload the videos to YouTube, I make sure that I upload the video to MediaFire first and then copy and paste the shared link so I can put it in my video description.  Another reason why I've used MediaFire for most of those because I can also see if anybody has downloaded videos at all.  Some services don't tell you this in the file you shared it too and it does not tell you if the file has been downloaded it all. This way I can actually tell if anybody is actually downloading them.  I've done these on a few videos now, like some of my balloon  release videos, and also some talk show episodes that I've created. Just thought I would let you all know what I will be doing nowadays. Hope you guys like my new idea!  I also made an update about this on one of my talk show episodes in video but I also thought I would make a post about this in case nobody ever watched it yet. That's all I'd like to say!


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